Our new location is at 3023 South Main, Stafford, TX 77477 which is a house used for multiple business purposes. If you are interested in our bigger concept, Bungalows at Stafford, do click on the logo. Please pardon us as we are only halfway through the property development. Phase 2: 3027 the home next door begins renovations begin 2024.
*No signage is allowed by the City of Stafford on the 3023 side of the property, meanwhile please look for a beige bungalow, large oak tree in front, a white picket fence and the house number and refer to images below
*the garage was repurposed into an office, please park in driveway or along the feeder, walk towards the right through the arbor and the fabric draping into the side tiled walkway and enter through the light aqua door, I usually have the door open for clients during the daytime when I'm present and take a seat in the waiting room if I am in a session
*City of Stafford is very particular about speeding and is very quick to give tickets, as the police office is two blocks away so please stay at the speed limit
From Hwy 59 N or 59 S:
-Exit 90, turn left coming from 59N
-Exit 90, turn right coming from 59S
- Turn left at Ave E
- short cut by turning left at Ralston Liquor to turn into feeder
- 2nd house on the feeder of North Main
From Murphy Road:
-Turn right on Ave E
- short cut by turning left into Ralston Liquor which turns into feeder
- 2nd house on the feeder of North Main
The Transformation Studio @Bungalows at Stafford 3023 & 3027 North Main, Stafford, TX 77477 is on the feeder between Ave E & Ave D, you can type in the business name and we are tagged, google annoyingly has the blue home next door showing as an image. We request everyone to send google reports to flag the incorrect image.